
BEN # 90

BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             ISSN 1188-603X
BB   B   EE       NNN  N
BBBBB    EEEEE    NN N N             BOTANICAL
BB   B   EE       NN  NN             ELECTRONIC
BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             NEWS

No. 90                               January 28, 1995

aceska@freenet.victoria.bc.ca        Victoria, B.C.
 Dr. A. Ceska, P.O.Box 8546, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3S2


An  article  published  in Novon featured a description of Doug-
lasia beringensis, a new species from the  Seward  Peninsula  in
the  Bering  Strait  region  of Alaska. Douglasia beringensis is
most similar to Douglasia montana (from Montana, Idaho,  Wyoming
and British Columbia). The paper also deals with the Russian and
North American concepts of the genus Douglasia and Androsace and
gives  a  key  to all nine species of Douglasia known from North

Ref.: Kelso, S., B.A. Yurtsev &  D.F.  Murray.  1994.  Douglasia
      beringensis (Primulaceae): A new species from northwestern
      Alaska. - Novon 4: 381-385.


Geiser,  L.H.,  K.L. Dillman, C.C. Deer, & M.C. Stensvold. 1994.
      Lichens of  southeastern  Alaska:  An  inventory.  -  USDA
      Forest Service, Alaska Region, R10-TB-45, Tongass National
      Forest, Petersburg, Alaska. 145 p. [78 bibl.ref.]

This  inventory  includes  453 lichens from southeastern Alaska,
and is the most comprehensive lichen inventory of that region to
date. Most of the occurrence documented here are from 258  plots
that  were  established  on  the Tongass National Forest between
1989 and 1993.

The introductory parts of the book describe southeastern Alaska,
most of which is in the Tongass  National  Forest;  and  discuss
inventory  methodology  and  results.  The  bulk  of the book is
comprised of descriptive entries for each of  the  453  lichens.
Each  entry  includes a distribution map of southeastern Alaska,
description of habitat, range, abundance in southeastern Alaska,
abundance in North America, and  sensitivity  to  air  pollution
(when  known). Special notes are included for some taxa to high-
light range extensions or unusual collections.

The 49 fine pen and ink illustrations of selected  lichens  were
drawn  by  Alexander  Mikulin, a visiting lichenologist from the
Russian Academy of Sciences.

The book can be obtained, at no cost,  from  Everett  Kissinger,
Stikine  Area,  Tongass  National  Forest,  Box 309, Petersburg,
Alaska 99833, or Mary  Stensvold,  Sitka  Ranger  District,  201
Katlian Street, Suite 109, Sitka, Alaska 99835.


Beaudoin, A.B. & F.D. Reintjes. 1994. Late Quaternary studies in
      Beringia and beyond, 1950-1993: An annotated bibliography.
      - Archeological Survey Occasional Paper no. 35, Provincial
      Museum  of  Alberta,  Edmonton.  386 p. ISBN 0-7732-1387-2
      [soft cover], CDN $ 14.95.

The bibliography includes references to research papers,  books,
monographs,  short  notes,  theses,  conference  abstracts, con-
ference reports, popular articles,  and  commentaries  published
between  1950-1993.  The  citations deal with surficial geology,
glacial history, climate  history,  palaeontology,  archaeology,
and  palaeoenvironments  in  Beringia  between  about 50,000 and
10,000 years ago. References include abstracts, where available.
The bibliography comprises 1001 citations, annotated  by  topic,
geographic  area  and  library location, and is accompanied by a
comprehensive index. Beringia is defined as the  northern  hemi-
sphere region centred on Siberia and Alaska-Yukon and bounded by
the  Lena River to the west and the Mackenzie River to the east.
Other areas covered in this bibliography include western Siberia
between Lena and Yenisey Rivers,  northeastern  China,  northern
Korea  and  Japan.  It  also  covers the portion of the northern
Pacific Ocean and offshore continental  shelf  that  would  have
been terrestrial during the Late Pleistocene full-glacial.

[Available  from:  The Museum Shop, c/o The Provincial Museum of
Alberta, 12845-102nd Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5N  0M6,
Tel.:  (406) 453-9108 (Publications); FAX: (403) 454-6629. Major
credit cards accepted.]

From:  Margriet  Wetherwax   <margriet@UCJEPS.HERB.BERKELEY.EDU>

Have  you  found  any  typographical errors or minor substantive
errors in The Jepson Manual: Higher  Plants  of  California  (J.
Hickman,  ed.)?  If  so, the Jepson editors would be grateful to
receive your input before April 1, 1995 to aid in production  of
the  next  printing of the The Jepson Manual (1st edition). Cor-
rections that change pagination cannot be considered for  incor-
poration  in  the next printing (but see below). Any substantive
corrections that require editorial judgement  should  be  accom-
panied   with   documentation   (e.g.,   literature  or  voucher
citation).  Please  send  your  corrections  to  Bruce  Baldwin,
Curator of the Jepson Herbarium, 1001 Valley Life Sciences Bldg.
#2465, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-2465. e-mail
communication    of    your   corrections   can   be   sent   to
jepson@ucjeps.berkeley.edu. Thank you!!

In preparation for production of a more extensively revised  2nd
edition  of  The  Jepson  Manual,  the Jepson editors would also
greatly appreciate any documented corrections of  more  substan-
tial  errors  or  problems  in  the Manual. All corrections that
would change pagination of the Manual fall under this  category.
To aid editorial procedures, please segregate any corrections of
this  type  under  separate heading from typographical and other
minor corrections discussed in  the  previous  paragraph.  These
corrections can be sent to the same address given above.


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