
Re: Sources of market price info for organic products.

I recently ran across the following information.  The Farmer's Information
Network Organic Market News was recently awarded a grant from the USDA/Federal
State Market Improvement Program to improve their Organic Market Information
Delivery System. They currently publish the Organic Market News, a 
comprehensive wholesale price report of organically grown gresh fruit, herbs
and vegetables 21 times a year.  Subscriptions are available in hard copy 
by US Mail for $65.00 per year, fax with the USA for $75.

The internet address is:  FarmerNet@AOL.com   Snail mail is:

	Farmer's Information Network
	Organic Market News
	PO Box 2067
	Santa Clara, Ca. 95055-2067
	(408) 247-6778 ext 3  Fax (408) 247-5823

Hope this helps.  I have also been able to obtain prices--somewhat 
sporadically--on PenPages.

Keep up the good work

Mike Horton

On Sat, 28 Jan 1995, Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:

> Could anyone point me to any source(s) (Internet, BBS, phone, US-mail)
> of U.S. and overseas market price information for organically-grown 
> products (certified, clean-raised, pesticide-free, chemical-free or 
> transitional)? 
> Many thanks,
> Lawrence
> ________________________________________________
> Lawrence F. London, Jr. - london@sunSITE.unc.edu 
> ------------------------------------------------