
Re: subscribing to this BBS

In article <3h7ugn$art@hobbes.cc.uga.edu>, Jeffrey Dean 
<jdeanx1@uga.cc.uga.edu> says:
>Eng-Leong Foo mtc <Eng-Leong.Foo@mtc.ki.se> wrote:
>> As the discussion leader, a responsibility which I have failed, I 
>> sometimes receive requests for subscriptions into the n2fix list.
>> Because I am still not familiar with BIOSCI commands, I have been
>> forwarding such requests to biosci@dl.ac.uk and dont know if action 
>> taken (unlike the Listserv software).
>> I have (finally) found out how to subscribe via email,....
>> Address your email to: MXT@dl.ac.uk
>> and write:
>> sub bionet-news.bionet.biology.n2-fixation
>> Q: could someone tell me how to get an index of messages and how to 
>> them singly )
>> From: Eng-Leong.Foo@mtc.ki.se
>        All Biosci newsgroup messages are archived and are most 
>easily accessed by setting your gopher software to net.bio.net.
>If you use a WWW browser (Mosaic or Netscape) the best URL would be
>http://www.bio.net/ or you could go directly to the archives with 
>the command gopher://net.bio.net.
>        I hope this helps.
>Jeff Dean