
Fire Up Your Web Browsers!

Hi y'all -

Your list admin here - I've just finished putting the rough draft of the 
Homestead List Home Page online.  There isn't a whole lot of stuff in 
there yet.  Take a look and tell me what you think of the structure, 
etc.  I thought long and hard about how to lay it out, and I think the 
cross-index format works pretty well.  Though I have some more things 
waiting to be put in, there are whole areas where I'm missing content.  
If you have a good book or URL or whatever to add, please share it.  For 
books, it would help alot if you could get the bibliographical info for 
me (take a look at Print Media in one of the subject categories to see 
an example of what I need).  I'm hoping this will grow into a valuable 
community resource - the more you contribute, the better it will get.

Now, for the URL:



|  Andrew Evans                      | Compu$erve: 70711,745         |
|  Compass Point Software, Inc.      | Internet:   aevans@cais.com   |
|         Home Page: http://www.cais.com/aevans/homepage.html        |