
CAP WWW page

I am pleased to announce the launching of the CAP WWW page.
CAP is the Canadian Association of Palynologists/
Association Canadienne des Palynologues. The CAP pages
contain information on the Association, announcements of upcoming
conferences, a directory of palynologists, an article on 
palynology, a guide to internet resources, news of Departments with
palynology programmes and information on laboratory equipment 
and supplies. CAP is the first national palynological organization
to have its own Web page. The CAP WWW page may be found at:


I welcome your comments on this presentation. 

Alwynne B. Beaudoin PhD                        | My opinions do not
Palaeoenvironmentalist, Archaeological Survey  | represent my
Provincial Museum of Alberta, 12845-102nd Ave  | employers
Edmonton, Alberta, T5N 0M6, Canada             |
abeaudoi@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca                   |