
Re: Chicken help

You may be interested in subscribing to a (new) mailing list for 
domesticated birds.  The announcement follows:

>DOM_BIRD@PLEARN.EDU.PL - For owners, breeders, and farmers of
>domesticated birds DOM_BIRD is a new list for owners, breeders
>and  farmers of the wide variety of domesticated birds.  This
>list was created  for the express purpose of discussing
>anything from the nutritional  requirements of your breeders,
>to the shows and events held for  displaying the many variety
>of fancy breeds of domesticated birds.  If  you wish to discuss
>equipment used for incubating eggs, the veterinary  care and
>management of adults or chicks, or find the best way to handle
>any aspect of domesticated bird ownership, you are welcome to
>join  DOM_BIRD.  In the future, DOM_BIRD may also serve as a
>gateway to a  newsgroup on domesticated birds, so that a wider
>audience can be reached.
>Domesticated birds can be classified as (but not limited to)
>those birds  that could possibly be found in a typical
>farmyard.  The following are  some examples of domesticated
>    Peafowl                        Turkeys
>    Guinea Fowl                    Doves
>    Pheasants                      Emus
>    Quail                          Ostriches
>    Ducks                          Rheas
>    Geese
>    Chickens - commercial and fancy breeds
>    Pigeons  - homing and fancy breeds
>DOM_BIRD will NOT be a place for campaigning for the rights of
>animals,  debating the ethics of maintaining or hunting of
>domesticated birds,  discussing the pros and cons of
>vegetarianism, or the swapping of  recipes.  This is, first and
>foremost, a list for people who enjoy and  prosper from a
>relationship with domesticated birds.
>In summary, anything that may be related to all types of
>domesticated  birds and/or human-domesticated bird interactions
>may be posted here.
>   To subscribe to DOM_BIRD, send the following command to
>    LISTSERV@PLEARN.EDU.PL in the BODY of e-mail:
>   SUBSCRIBE DOM_BIRD firstname lastname
>   For example:  SUBSCRIBE DOM_BIRD Jane Doe

Good luck!

Claire Boozer