
WWW Server at SFASU College of Forestry

The College of Forestry at Stephen F. Austin State University of Nacogdoches,
Texas, would like to announce the opening of it's World-Wide Web Server.

The server is dedicated to distributing information that leads to wise
management of all natural resources.  In particular, the College is trying to
maintain a database of Internet information sources related to a variety of
natural resource issues.  We've tried to put together a fair amount of
information already, but feel free to stop by and tell us what we're missing.

The URL is http://www.environment.sfasu.edu:1080/

For those of you who need an anchor:<A HREF="http://www.environment.sfasu.edu/">
SFASU College of Forestry</A>

The server is still expanding, but we hope you'll check out how we're doing.

Chris Hilton