
Grass-based ag lists

Howdy, all--

In response to Mitchell Posin's reply, and as a reminder, since it's
been 10 months since I last reminded you:  To subscribe to GRAZE-L,
the listserver for management intensive rotational grazing issues,
send this message:

subscribe GRAZE-L

to this address:


You'll receive confirmation and a welcome message within hours, as 
well as information on GRAZE-L services.  Traffic has been on the 
order of 5 to 15 messages per day. 

Sheep farmers are among those represented on GRAZE-L.


Michele Gale-Sinex, outreach and education
Center for Integrated Ag Systems/Ag Technology and Family Farm Institute
UW-Madison--Voice: (608) 262-8018   FAX: (608) 265-3020
I'd never pitch for the Yankees because they represent
everything wrong with America.  --Bill Lee
Article 3360 of alt.sustainable.agriculture:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!news.duke.edu!convex!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!agate!boulder!csn!csus.edu!netcom.com!netcomsv!salata!ow!Doug.Bashford
From: Doug.Bashford%ow@salata.com (Doug Bashford)
Date: 22 Aug 94 10:04:01 -0800
Newsgroups: alt.sustainable.agriculture
Subject: Free Fido GREEN BBSs
Message-ID: <fe4_9408250717@salata.com>
X-Mail-Agent: GIGO+ sn 148 at salata vsn 0.99 pl1
Organization: Fidonet: ONE WORLD Los Angeles 310-372-0987 
Lines: 122

  Subj: New GREEN BBS List!   1/3

 Many (most?) of these BBSs are set up by volunteers and are 
 totally free.  Each has a different flavor...
   Yep, Western Ancient Forest Campaign  said to All on 18 Aug
      about: WAFC Forest Updates Available by Su....
 WAFC> FROM:     Steve Holmer, Western Ancient Forest Campaign, 

 * Original From: Bob Chapman, 1:372/50@fidonet.org
 * Original Date: Jul 02 06:52

 >> Date For This Official 3rd Quarter 1994 Release: July 1, 1994! <<<

GreenNet (tm) GREEN BBS List For Environmental Bulletin Board Systems!
>>> Date For This Official 3rd Quarter 1994 Release: July 1, 1994! <<<
NOTE!: Numerous Bulletin Board Systems Have Environmental Conferences,
So THIS List Is Comprised Of Those Either PRIMARILY Environmental, The
HOST Of An Environmental Relay Themselves Or Just Worthy Of Inclusion.
If YOU Know Of ANY Missing &/Or Incorrect Information, PLEASE TELL US!
Call In Your Update(s) To GreenNet c/o Earth Art BBS At (803) 552-4389
Or Send Your Message To RIME's Great OUTDOORS Or Environmental Issues!
We're Carrying ALL Environmental Echoes Riding On The FidoNet Backbone
& Will Also Accept Updates By Sky-Link! (QWK-Mail Via Satellite Dish!)
Use Special GREENBBS Door To Add/Update/Download Lists Or Eco-BBS Ads!
(To Enter GREENBBS Door, Just Type "GREENBBS" At The Main Board Menu!)
See Why We Were Selected As The International Hub For The Sierra Club!
RIME\PostLink\PCRelay: EARTHART (#1646) & HubEARTH - FidoNet: 1:372/50
Internet Address: bob.chapman@f50.n372.z1.fidonet.org or @earthart.com
Thanks To GREEN BBS Callers, The GREEN BBS List Is A "Worldwide HIT"!!

________________________  ____________ _____ __ _________________  ___
Abalone Alliance (Calif)  415-861-2510 14400 24 Roger Herried      MAX
Alter. Treatment (ATTIC)  301-670-3808  2400 24 Joyce Perdek/EPA   PCB
Alternatives ($)(Canada)  604-430-8080  9600 24 Bob Lyons          MAJ
American Hydrogen Assoc.  415-494-3116 14400 24 Howard H. Smith    WIL
AmNet-Aurora Node (Col.)  303-364-2257 16800 24 Louis Lawson       TBB
AmNet-HQ Node (Colorado)  303-680-7791  2400 24 James Cherry       TBB
AmNet-NYC(New York City)  212-784-6826 16800 24 John Frederick     TBB
Atlanta Green (Georgia).  404-874-9339 14400 24 Greg Fenn          PCB
Bird Info Network ($-CO)  303-423-9775 14400 24 Terry Rune         TBB
Boating Law Reference BB  909-734-7717  9600 N2 John Donaldson     WIL
Bulldog-Eagle Link (KS).  913-582-4636  2400 24 Jon Rueck          TBB
CBFWA (Fish & Wildlife!)  503-326-7792  2400 24 Shawn Swagerty     WIL
CCS BBS (For Eco-Topics)  410-476-5098  9600 24 Jo Campbell (Mod.) PCB

Canadian EarthCare Socy.  604-769-5097 14400 24 Jim Dixon(ENVIRON) MAX
Capricorn Rising (RIME).  503-370-9777  2400 24 Bob Covington      GAP
Center of Enviro R&D(OH)  513-569-7610  9600 24 Jose Perez (EPA!)  PCB
Classroom Earth BBS (MI)  517-797-2737 14400 24 Dennis Hauser      TBB
Coin of the Realm BBS...  301-585-6697  2400 24 Dan Wendling(CSRV) PCB

Colorado Sierra Club....  303-860-1242  2400 24 Mark Collier       SEA
Continental Divide BBS..  601-957-3016 14400 24 Mike Seal          AUN
Coyote Gulch (Colorado).  719-578-1340 14400 24 Scott Robert Ladd  MAX
Deep Cove BBS $ (Canada)  604-536-5889 16800 24 Wayne Duval (B.C.) TBB
EEC (EnviroEquipment/CA)  714-644-4181 14400 24 Bjorn Sundbakken   PCB
EPA Cleanup Info(CLU-IN)  301-589-8366  2400 24 Dan Powell(EPA/TIO)PCB
EPA-NPS(NonPoint Source)  301-589-0205  9600 24 Judy Trimarchi/EPA PCB
EPA-OAQPS (Air Quality).  919-541-5742  2400 24 Hersch Rorex       TBB
EPA-PIN (Pesticide Info)  703-305-5919  2400 24 The EPA          (7E1)
EPA Online Library (OLS)  919-541-4642  9600 24 Joe Steigerwald  (7E1)

Earth Art BBS (GreenNet)  803-552-4389 28800 24 Bob Chapman (RIP!) PCB
Earthshine BBS1 (Canada)  604-361-9053 14400 24 Catherine Gregory  PCB
Earthshine BBS2 (Canada)  604-361-9063 14400 24 Catherine Gregory  PCB
EcoLink BBS (Maine).....  207-353-7670 28800 24 Rob Waite          REN
Eco-Net $ (On InterNet!)  415-322-0284  2400 24 Geoff Sears       X-25
Ecology Research (USFWS)  303-226-9365  2400 24 Joe Richards       MAJ
Economics & Environment.  604-261-0310  2400 24 Art Powell (Canada)QBB
Electric Ideas (Wash.ST)  206-586-6854 14400 24 Greg Ware          MAJ
Environaut BBS (Florida)  407-872-8590 14400 24 David Duckworth    ROB
Environment Arkansas!...  501-570-2868  9600 24 Tom Ezell          WIL
Environmental Action BBS  207-439-0633 16800 24 John Burns          RA
Environmental BBS 1 (CA)  619-299-4018  2400 24 Geoffrey Smith     SEA
Environmental BBS 2 (CA)  619-299-4032 14400 24 Geoffrey Smith     SEA
Environet 1 (Greenpeace)  415-512-9108  2400 24 Dick Dillman       TBB
Environet 2 (Greenpeace)  415-512-9120 14400 24 Dick Dillman       TBB
Enviro BBS (Eco-Science)  703-524-1837 14400 24 Kurt Riegel        RBB
Fish House BBS (EcoGulf)  601-460-5970 16800 24 Rick Cooke         MAX
Garden Pond BBS (Oregon)  503-735-3074 16800 24 Jack Honeycutt     MAX
Glendale Litera (Nature)  818-956-6164 14400 24 Abel Iwaz          WIL
Greenseen (B.C. Canada).  604-754-9449 14400 24 Murray Rodgers     MAX

HOME BBS (Organic/Agric)  317-539-6579  9600 24 Cissy Bowman       QBB
Hazardous Material(HMIX)  708-972-3275  9600 24 Cathy Gerard       PCB
HeartBeat Earth BBS (CA)  408-257-2306  2400 24 Marcus Johnson     WIL
Helix BBS (Wash. State).  206-783-6368 14400 24 Scott Parks         RA
Herb Patch, The (Canada)  604-545-8068  2400 N1 Shanta McBain       RA
Home Power Communication  707-822-8640 14400 24 Michael Welch      TBB
Howard's Notebook(3Node)  816-331-5868 16800 24 Jim Howard(GreenMO)WIL
Land of Sky BBS (N.C.)..  704-254-7800  2400 24 Michael Havelin    PCB
MN-Lakes BBS (Minnesota)  612-296-8811  9600 24 Bruce Wilson(MPCA) PCB
MNS Online (Eco-Linking)  518-381-4430  2400 24 Don Rittner        Mac
Makaao BBS (Eco-Hawaii).  808-672-8276 14400 24 Dennis Leong       PCB
NALMS BBS (N.Amer.Lakes)  612-783-9064  2400 24 B.Wilson/J.Vennie  PCB
NASA SpaceLink (Alabama)  205-895-0028  9600 24 Bill Anderson     Mini
OEA (Off.Enviro.Affairs)  202-208-7119 14400 24 John Sell (D.O.I.) WIL
OSH Exchange ($, Canada)  416-572-2307  9600 24 Chris Moore        TBB

One World (Fido/Usenet).  310-372-0987 14400 24 Larry Fletcher     MAX
Osprey's Nest (Birding).  301-989-9036  9600 24 Norm Saunders      ROS
PPIC (Pollution Preven.)  703-506-1025  2400 24 The EPA            PCB
Parameters$(ID=PRESERVE)  618-549-8448 14400 24 Bob Pauls          WIL

Penguin Point(Fido Ecol)  414-338-4897 16800 24 Lon Levy            RA
Puffin's Nest(MD/BayCon)  410-437-3463 16800 24 Dave Bealer        MAX
SWICH (Solid Waste Info)  301-585-0204  2400 24 The EPA & SWANA    PCB

(Continued to next message)

... "The more people on this planet the better." : Rush Limbaugh