
Welcome to the list!

This first message is going out to those of you who have joined us 
in the last two or three days. Welcome! I'm Norman Kraft, the list
administrator and moderator. 

For those of you who joined the list, but did not request the FAQ,
please do so. The FAQ is incomplete at this stage, but contains
important information. Since the posting guidelines went out with
the new subscriber introductory messages, you should all have a
general idea of my goals as moderator, but there is additional
information in the FAQ that might prove helpful to some of you.

Basically, there are two fairly simple rules here: 

1. Be polite (that means no flaming).
2. Stay on topic.

Otherwise, always remember that the OrMed mailing list is a family, 
not a town square.

Anyway, one thing that I plan to do regularly as a part of this
list is to post questions for discussion. It is very easy for a
list to get bogged down in minutiae, and I hope that these questions
will help us to keep our eyes on some broader issues as well. 

I would encourage everyone to give some thought to what we post.
It would be very easy for this list to turn into a long string of
"what herb is good for this ailment" type of questions, but we are
here, as it says in the introduction file, "to serve as a forum for
the discussion and advancement of Oriental Medicine." I encourage
topics on every subject from "what herb is good for this ailment"
to "how will Oriental medicine fit into national health care" to
"just how accurate are our translations of Chinese medical texts."
These are all important issues to the field, for both practioners
and patients.

I want to thank everyone (all dozen or so of you) for joining this
list and helping it to grow. I look forward to your input!


Norman Kraft                            INET  : nkraft@ucsd.edu (work)
Peptide-T Clinical Trial                or try: nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com (home)
HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center     UUCP  : ucsd!nkraft
Dept of Psychiatry, School of Medicine  
University of California, San Diego          Usual disclaimers...

Article 3148 of alt.folklore.herbs:
Path: bigblue.oit.unc.edu!concert!gatech!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!agate!overload.lbl.gov!dog.ee.lbl.gov!newshub.nosc.mil!crash!bkhouse!nkraft
From: nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com (Norman Kraft)
Newsgroups: misc.health.alternative,sci.med,sci.med.nursing,sci.med.nutrition,alt.folklore.herbs
Subject: Announcing an Oriental Medicine Mailing List
Message-ID: <KerNu*230@bkhouse.cts.com>
Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 09:11:10 PDT
Reply-To: nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com
Distribution: world
Organization: Argus Computing, San Diego, CA
X-Newsreader: Arn V1.03a
Lines: 68
Xref: bigblue.oit.unc.edu misc.health.alternative:8580 sci.med:68406 sci.med.nursing:940 sci.med.nutrition:10032 alt.folklore.herbs:3148

Announcing the Oriental Medicine (OrMed) Mailing List!

This list was formed in the late spring of 1994 to serve as a forum 
for the discussion and advancement of Oriental Medicine as it makes 
its journey from East to West.

Since this is a new list, we really haven't had an opportunity to
get a feel for what our subscriber group will ultimately look like. 
Already on the list are several nationally known writers in the 
field of Oriental Medicine, several acupuncturists, a few acupuncture 
students, and several people just interested in Oriental Medicine. 
So far the list membership is entirely from the USA, but we are very 
interested in getting members from all parts of the world and reading 
their perspectives on the topic.

Description of the list:

I created the OrMed mailing list in May of 1994 to serve as a 
forum for those practicing, using or interested in Oriental 
Medicine. The purpose was and is to put together practitioners,
researchers, lay people and patients for the exchange of ideas,
questions, hopes, techniques and more. We hope that this list
can positively contribute to the growth and development of
Oriental Medicine in the West. This is a moderated list.

This list is intended for the friendly, positive discussion
of Oriental medicine. While disagreements and such will pop
up from time to time, this is not the place to discuss Oriental 
medicine VS. Western medicine, or to shout "where's the study!?" 
in response to a treatment suggestion. We are here to talk 
*about* Oriental Medicine, not to critique the theory as a whole. 
It is not that such critique is without its place in the health 
arena, but this list has a somewhat more tightly focused intent.

Also, though one might use this list to get information about
a particular medical condition, no one can diagnose or prescribe
via the net. With regards to Oriental medicine, this is especially
difficult. This list is an information resource, but should not 
serve as a substitute for getting professional medical advice 
from a licensed health practitioner. As moderator, I will enforce 
this rule as necessary. No free medical advice here.

To join the OrMed mailing list, send a request to 
listserv@bkhouse.cts.com as follows:

Subject: [anything]

SUBSCRIBE [your address] OrMed

You can also get a file describing the commands understood by this 
server (and the way to get the OrMed FAQ) by sending the command


in the body of a message to listserv@bkhouse.cts.com.  Should you have
further questions, please feel free to contact me at 
OrMed-admin@bkhouse.cts.com or, as a last resort, nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com.


The OrMed Mailing List              Administrative requests: 
List administrator: Norman Kraft          listserv@bkhouse.cts.com
OrMed-admin@bkhouse.cts.com or      Messages to the list:
nkraft@bkhouse.cts.com                    ormed@bkhouse.cts.com