
GOPHER: Western Lands Gopher is Up!

Sender: Dan Yurman <dyurman@igc.apc.org>
Subject: Western Lands Gopher is Up!
TITLE: About This Gopher - Western Lands

The Institute for Global Communications (IGC) EcoNet has agreed to make
space available on their gopher - igc.apc.org - for a western lands
gopher service.  This will be available by 5/23/94.  The path is:


        Main Menu
                                Western Lands

Topics of interest are any environmental or land use issue which affects
western lands, e.g., west of the 100th meridian in the continental US.
Examples include forests, wilderness, public lands, rivers, mining,
ecology, wildlife, grazing, timber, agriculture, etc.  This list is not
inclusive.  Hopefully, the examples given will illustrate the wide range
of possible topics.  We are particularly interested in sustainable
development issues.

This will be a moderated gopher.  You can send contributions for upload
to the following internet address:  dyurman@igc.apc.org

All contributions must be ascii with a column width not to exceed 70
characters.  Please give a 70 character, or less, title which you want
to appear in the Gopher menu AND in the following format per the example

TITLE: Effects of Grazing Reform on Water Quality

Do not send paper articles and expect them to be scanned in.  You can
mail MS-DOS formatted diskettes to the address below provided the text
is formatted as required and the disk is virus free.  Disks submitted
cannot be returned.

The procedure will be that all contributions will be batch uploaded each
weekend and made available on the gopher at 8 AM Pacific time each
Monday morning.

This Gopher service is independent of any government agency or advocacy
group.  In short, nobody pays me to do this.  For validation of
sponsorship for this gopher by IGC send email inquiry to

Dan Yurman  dyurman@igc.apc.org
PO Box 1569 Idaho Falls, ID 83403

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 18:59:54 -0700
From: Gleason Sackman <sackman@plains.nodak.edu>
To: Multiple recipients of list <net-happenings@is.internic.net>
Subject: GOPHER> Western Lands Gopher is Up! (fwd)

Forwarded by Gleason Sackman - InterNIC net-happenings moderator

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Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 14:32:21 -0700