
Re: WORM COMPOSTING Reproduction Question

Kevin Kenward wrote:
> I've got a worm composting bucket going and the worms seem happy.  I've
> recently noticed small capsules and I'm wondering if they might be worm
> 'eggs'.  How do worms reproduce?  How long does it take for baby worms
> to 'appear' in a pile?  Is there any thing I can do to encourage them?
> Now that I have worms I've gotten quite curious about their life cycle.
> Perhaps there is a book that somebody could recomend?  Thanks for your
> help.
> Katherine

	If you have access to the Web, do a search on vermiculture; and 
you should come up with an address for "The Burrow". It's put together by 
a guy in Canada, and it is the most complete collection of worm 
composting information I have ever come across.

Good luck,

Roger Cox