
Re: it is here

In article <36i579$gnb@agate.berkeley.edu>, casher@proton.nuc.berkeley.edu
(Greg Casher) writes:

Yes! The group was created......but now  we also have an aromatherapy
mailing list!!!

Here is the info as transmitted to me by StevenK@netcom.com:

>Welcome to the aromatherapy/aromachology mailing list!
>The purpose of this mailing list is discussion of various aspects of the
>profession and practice of the use of aromatics with theraputic intent.
>The discussion format will resemble that of a group of friends sitting
>around a table, talking about a topic in which everyone shares an
>There is no filtering done on items submitted to the mailing list. 

>In order to use the mailing list, there are two important addresses.  To
>submit an item to the mailing list, mail it to: 

>          aromatherapy-l@netcom.com

>To request changes, make comments, etc., send mail to:

>          aromatherapy-l-request@netcom.com

>The mailing list is set up as a "reflecting"- or "exploding"-type mailing
>list rather than a digest form.  This means that you will receive
>messages during the day rather than one large collection of messages
>every day or so. 

I will email all the people who voted...I am sure alot of you will find
this group on your own!

I will begin posting  this weekend...I will try to include some articles
and aromatherapy sources..

I would personally like to see this as a "show and  tell" list as well as
discussion...I am always interested in what people are doing or making as
far as blends and and other aromatherapy products.
