
Re: Seeking sources of botanical, horticultural databases

John Clayton (jclayton@cix.compulink.co.uk) wrote:
: We are looking for Internet sources of botanical, 
: horticultural databases. We are looking for databases containing data on 
: sources of plants from around the world.

Sorry about the mess, this is not quite cleaned up HTML coded stuff:

<A HREF="gopher://">
Australian National Botanic Gardens</A></B>

<A HREF="http://muse.bio.cornell.edu/11/collections.info/suject/Botany/ ">
Cornell Botanical Collections Gopher</A></B>

<B><A HREF="http://straylight.tamu.edu/MoBot/welcome.html">
Missouri Botanic Gardens</A></B>

<B><A HREF="http://dogwood.botany.uga.edu">
University of Georgia </A></B> 
The Department of Botany offers a number links and
	an illustrated tour of their greenhouses.

<B><A HREF="http://florawww.eeb.uconn.edu/_fdlist.html">
	Angiosperm Family Descriptions</A></B>

	Harvard Gray Herbarium</A></B>
Index of New World Plants.

If my editor is lopping off long lines, go in at the top of the gopher 
and work your way down.  Harvard probably has links to all significant 
botany and biology gophers around the world.

If you are Web-enabled, visit the Garden Gate (URL below), the above are 
>from  the Internet Resources - Botany page.  Our site can get pretty busy 
between 3pm-10pm Central time.  (about 6 hours diff)


Karen Fletcher                                   fletcher@prairienet.org
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