
hydro-control mail list information (fwd)

you have been subscribed (subsingle) to the single message per email
version of the hydro-control mailing list.  if you would like to be sent
the digest version of the list (issued a minimum of once per week),
then contact me and the address hydro-control-owner@lists.best.com, and
i'll make the change for you (it will be quicker than doing it yourself
since this list has a manual approval for subscriptions).

have fun with this list you alls, and i'll be posting about my personal
project in a little while... this is my week with my daughter, so i don't
get much computer time during that time... cya in cyberspace!

hydro-control mail list moderator



If you have just subscribed to the Hydroponic-Control mail list then


All routine administrative requests (excluding subscriptions)
concerning this mailing list are handled by an automated server.  Please
read this message carefully to find the information relevant to you.

Welcome to the hydro-control mailing list!

This is a fairly techie private list, for the discussion and exchanging
information on control algorithms, system requirements of hardware
and software, logging and database function, data analysis techniques,
equipment manufacturers and sources, system limitations, and other
aspects of computerized hydroponic gardening control.


Submissions to the list should be sent to:


Messages to this address will AUTOMATICALLY be BROADCAST to ALL list
members.  NOTE - you cannot submit to the list without first subscribing.


To subscribe to the DIGEST version of the Hydroponic mailing list, send
the following in the body (not the subject line) of an email message to


To subscribe to the SINGLE-MESSAGE-PER-MAIL version of the Hydroponic
mailing list, send the following in the body (not the subject line) of
an email message to "hydro-control-request@lists.best.com":


The email account from which you sent the message to will be subscribed to
the hydro list.

If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local
redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:

        subscribe other-address@your_site.your_net
        subsingle other-address@your_site.your_net


To unsubscribe from hydro, send the following in the body (not the subject
line) of an email message to "hydro-control-request@lists.best.com":


This will unsubscribe the account from which you send the message.
If you are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send
a command of the following form instead:

        unsubscribe other-address@your_site.your_net


If you feel you need to reach a human, send email to



An archive of past messages is available via the World-Wide-Web.
If you have a Web browser (such as Mosaic or Netscape), please try out


An anonymous FTP site for the hydro-control list archive will be
available in the future.

     Chaos is simply a control system not yet understood.
