
Re: mulching

Hi - there is a wonderful list and web site called "Mulch-based
Agriculture' that is centered on questions in the Latin American tropics -
contact plant pathologist H. David Thurston at Cornell University at e-mail
address: hdt1@cornell.edu. 
GOod luck - Nancy Grudens Schuck

>could any body help me to learn about "mulching" I have a freind in 
>Mexico that would like to try this in his farm. Is this a kind of 
>composting crop residues (straws) with manure? Does it need a special 
>bacteria to promote appropiate decomposition? Does it involve any 
>other additives, if so, which ones? What are the steps to follow? 
>Where can I find some good literature (papers) about this?
>Oh boy! A lot of questions! I hope some of you can help me answer some 
>of them!
>Thank you in advance,
>Maria Isabel Fernandez T.
>University of Minnesota
>130 Haecker Hall, 1364 Eckles Ave.
>St.Paul, MN, 55108
>Ph.(612)624 6216
>E-mail fern0048@gold.tc.umn.edu

Nancy Grudens Schuck
Graduate Student
Department of Education
Kennedy Hall, Cornell University
Ithaca, Ny 14853