
IDEOLOGIC is a new way to understand voters developed by Melvin Hinich (U of Texas) and Michael Munger (U of North Carolina), the two leading theorists of voter modeling. The model's basic idea is that voters think of issues not as single items (as is assumed in all models of public opinion) but instead they think of them as clusters of issues. Thus, candidates can address an issue without ever specifically speaking about that issue, by raising a "surrogate" or "stalking-horse" issue from the same cluster. For example, George Bush might raise the race issue by speaking about crime in the streets, Bob Dole might raise the issue of welfare by talking about Hollywood's indescretions.

--- Guide to IDEOLOGIC Services ---
with New Graphics
(version - 11/13/95)
email the IDEOLOGICal group at LIA


Advantages of IDEOLOGIC

[]See additional advantages to Enhanced IDEOLOGIC

Because IDEOLOGIC identifies factors instead of specific issues, it has four advantages over the standard models used in public opinion polling and standard campaign consulting:

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