about us

Steering Committee

Robert Spitzer, President
Michael Genovese,Veep
Bruce Miroff, Sec/Treas

Joel Aberbach
Lydia Andrade
Andrew Barrett
MaryAnne Borrelli
Meena Bose
James Campbell
Jeffrey Cohen
Victoria Farrar-Myers
Lori Cox Han
John Hart
Diane Heith
Nancy Kassop
Janet Martin
Dan Ponder
Raymond Tatalovich
Katie Dunn Tenpas

Ex Officio
Karen Hult
Martha Kumar
Tom Langston

APSA 2003
APSA Centennial


PRG Research Fellowships

These fellowships provide support through the Centennial Center for those whose scholarly research brings them to Washington to examine the relationships, institutions, or environment that surrounds the Presidency.

To obtain an application through the APSA Centennial Center, click here. [PDF]

PRG Directory

Presidency Research Group BylawsPresidential Seal
As of 1/1/96

Article I. Membership
Section 1. Members of the Group
Members of the Group shall consist of all persons with an interest in research on chief executives who indicate a desire to be members and who pay annual dues.

Section 2. Meetings of Members
Annual meetings of the group will be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Announcements of annual meetings will be included in the printed program of the Association.

Section 3. Annual Dues
Annual dues may be established at the annual meeting of the Group. The amount of dues shall be recommended by the Steering Committee and payable at the annual meeting or thereafter by mail for the year beginning September 1st.

Article II. Officers
Section 1. Steering Committee
A Steering Committee shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Group. Each member shall serve for a three year term. At least five new members shall be included each year. The Steering Committee shall include the officers of the Group, who will serve on the committee as ex officio members for the one year following their term in office. In addition to the standing and ex officio members, the Steering Committee shall include one seat elected from the Group as a graduate student. Once elected, graduation shall not disqualify said committee-member from completing their three year term.

Section 2. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the principal officers of the Group: President, Vice-President, Secretary/Treasurer, Program Director, and Editor of the Newsletter. The Executive committee is empowered to act between annual meetings of the Group.

Section 3. President
One of the members of the Presidency Research Group shall be elected at the first annual meeting of the Group to serve as its President. The President shall preside at the annual meeting, call and preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Steering Committee, and be responsible for implementing and coordinating the programs of the Group. The President shall serve for a two-year term.

Section 4. Vice-President
One of the members of the Presidency Research Group will be elected Vice-President and will preside in the absence of the President. The Vice-President will be President-Elect. The Vice-President shall serve for a two-year term.

Section 5. Secretary/Treasurer
One of the members of the Presidency Research Group will be elected to serve as Secretary/Treasurer. The Secretary/Treasurer shall maintain minutes of the meetings of the Group and be responsible for the funds of the Group. The Secretary/Treasurer shall serve a two-year term.

Section 6. Program Director
One of the members of the Presidency Research Group will be elected to serve as Program Director. That person shall organize and direct such programs as are approved at the annual meeting.

Section 7. Newsletter Editor
One of the members of the Presidency Research Group will be elected to serve as Editor of the newsletter. That person shall serve a two-year term.

Article III. Programs of the Group
The Group may establish special panels, workshops, symposia, or social gatherings at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association and at regional and other professional meetings. The Program Director shall develop and implement such programs. Whenever possible, the Program Director will cooperate with the section chair for the official APSA Program Committee in order to help develop panels for the official program of the APSA Annual Meeting.

Article IV. Awards
The PRG shall give such awards as it deems appropriate. Awards committees shall be named by the President subject to the approval of the Steering Committee. Annual PRG Awards shall include the following:
Section 1. The Richard E. Neustadt Award for the Best Book on the Presidency.
The criteria for the award shall include:
the book so honored must have theoretical interest, and
the award committee shall consider the broadest number of perspectives as possible in considering nominees.
The book must also have a copyright date coinciding with the year of the award.

Section 2. The Founders' Awards for the Best Paper.
A Founders' Award, named in honor of the APSA members who formed the PRG in 1981, shall be given annually for the best paper on the presidency/executives at the previous APSA conference. In addition, a separate Founders' Award for Best Paper shall be presented to the best graduate student paper presented at either the national conference or one of the regional conferences. A different founder shall be recognized by name on an annual, rotating basis when each award is announced and specified.
As of 9/22/96 the list of Founders includes the following:
Peri Arnold
Dom Bonafede
Thomas Cronin
George C. Edwards III
Fred Greenstein
Michael Grossman
Erwin Hargrove
Martha Kumar
David Naveh
Bert Rockman
Francis Rourke
Lester Seligman
Stephen Wayne
James Young

V. Amendment of the By-Laws
The annual meeting shall have the power to modify, alter, or amend the bylaws of the Group by a majority vote.