about us

Steering Committee

Robert Spitzer, President
Michael Genovese,Veep
Bruce Miroff, Sec/Treas

Joel Aberbach
Lydia Andrade
Andrew Barrett
MaryAnne Borrelli
Meena Bose
James Campbell
Jeffrey Cohen
Victoria Farrar-Myers
Lori Cox Han
John Hart
Diane Heith
Nancy Kassop
Janet Martin
Dan Ponder
Raymond Tatalovich
Katie Dunn Tenpas

Ex Officio
Karen Hult
Martha Kumar
Tom Langston

APSA 2003
APSA Centennial


PRG Research Fellowships

These fellowships provide support through the Centennial Center for those whose scholarly research brings them to Washington to examine the relationships, institutions, or environment that surrounds the Presidency.

To obtain an application through the APSA Centennial Center, click here. [PDF]

This site updated: 9/01/2002. For information on the PRGNet Web team, click here.

Welcome to the Home Website of the Presidency Research Group

Presidency Research Group The PRG is the premier association of scholars devoted to the study of the presidency and executives. To that end, it welcomes diverse theoretical perspectives, analytical techniques, and data sources as they contribute to the advancement of scholarship and teaching. It also invites the contributions and perspectives of other disciplines.

The PRG supports the development of professional research on the Presidency. Its members provide the basic analysis necessary to understand issues affecting presidential governance, including executive privilege, national and congressional leadership, and White House operations. The Presidency Research Group also sponsors public understanding of the presidency by lending its professional judgment to issues of the day involving scholarship, the functioning of the National Archives and particularly its presidential library system, and the proper functioning of the Executive Branch. Its membership also assists in the development funding for basic as well as applied research involving presidential governance, White House operations, and leadership.

Membership Services
PRGNet is a service of the Presidency Research Group. It is intended to speed the transfer of information about the presidency and to improve the circulation of research materials on the presidency. Services include regular communications through out list service.

PRG Reports PRG also provides information through its research newsletter (PRG Report), summarizing research conferences on topics of concern to members, assessing topics of common interest, and announcing new research materials.
Through its junior mentoring program, the PRG develops the professional futures of its members.

WhiteHouse2001 at work The PRG also co-sponsors public service projects designed to use the expertise of its members to better governance. For example, The White House 2001 Project, just completed with the Pew Charitable Trusts and a host of institutional partners, smoothed the way for the presidential transition in 2001 through a non-partisan effort involving previous White House staff, scholars, and the major party campaign staffs. These efforts helped the current administration make the smooth transition into governance as well as developed a base of information about White House operations that few understood or appreciated. Scholars interviewed White House staff and then developed extensive briefing materials on White House operations used by the incoming administration. In addition, scholars developed a new, in-depth understanding of the presidential appointments process while creating software to assist presidential appointees in navigating the appointments process.

Researchers on the presidency are welcomed and encouraged to register with the PRG. Registration fees are $10.00 and entitle members to a subscription to PRG Report the group's newsletter published at Tulane University.

For the working details of the PRG, go to the PRG directory. It includes:

  • PRG bylaws.
  • PRG at Work - policy statements and service activities involving our profession.
  • PRG library of online papers and research materials. [under construction]

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