about us

Steering Committee

Robert Spitzer, President
Michael Genovese,Veep
Bruce Miroff, Sec/Treas

Joel Aberbach
Lydia Andrade
Andrew Barrett
MaryAnne Borrelli
Meena Bose
James Campbell
Jeffrey Cohen
Victoria Farrar-Myers
Lori Cox Han
John Hart
Diane Heith
Nancy Kassop
Janet Martin
Dan Ponder
Raymond Tatalovich
Katie Dunn Tenpas

Ex Officio
Karen Hult
Martha Kumar
Tom Langston

APSA 2003
APSA Centennial


PRG Research Fellowships

These fellowships provide support through the Centennial Center for those whose scholarly research brings them to Washington to examine the relationships, institutions, or environment that surrounds the Presidency.

To obtain an application through the APSA Centennial Center, click here. [PDF]

PRG Directory

PRG at Work

This section outlines activities of the PRG. These include its standing committees and PRG Board actions.

I. Standing Committees:

Presidential Libraries
To keep abrest of developments and policy issues in the National Archives Presidential Libraries System.

Strategic Directions - the planning/vision document for the National Archives (and presidential libraries) and other guiding documents that PRG members have helped with.

White House 2001 The Project designed by the PRG to help smooth the way for the new administration. Funded by the Pew Charitage Trusts.

PRG Reports

To maintain the official newsletter and research reports of the PRG, PRG Reports.

II. PRG Sponsorship:

  • Presidential Power. Forging the Presidency for the 21st Century - Conference sponsored by PRG and Columbia University, November 1996.
  • Centenniel Center. As part of the Centenniel celebration of the American Political Science Association in 2003, the PRG has sponsored the development of research fellowships for presidency scholars to work at the Centenniel Center in Washington. You can contribute to these fellowships by contacting the APSA.

III. Policy Statements:

This service circulates policy statements by the Board of Directors of the Presidency Research Group. These statements cover issues of concern to professional scholars interested in the American Presidency.

Executive Privilege, EO 13,233. The PRG joins with APSA and other social science organizations to encourage the President to rethink his order restructuring the handling of presidential papers under the Presidential Records Act. The PRG believes the order as currently written undermines the timely accession of essential evidence on the conduct of the office.

Wilson Center Letter. The PRG joins with APSA to encourage the House conferees to support the Senate version of the funding bill for the Woodrow Wilson Center of the Smithsonian Institution.

Qualifications for the Archivist of the United States. Policy statement regarding the appropriate qualifications of a nominee to direct the National Archives and Records Administration.

PRG Statement on John W. Carlin. Brief Policy Statement regarding the nomination of John W. Carlin, of Kansas, to be Archivist of the United States.

PRG Statement before the Senate Committee. on Governmental Affairs. Text of PRG Policy Statement regarding the nomination of John W. Carlin, of Kansas, to be Archivist of the United States.


You may contact PRG by sending email to