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RE: [nafex] Re: experts in the growing of espaliers?

Henry Leuthardt Nurseries is known for growing espaliers.  There web site

Tom Volkening
Engineering Library
1515 Engineering Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1226
Phone:  517-432-1498
Fax:      517-353-9041
Email:    volkenin@msu.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: jojosigurgeirson [mailto:rocksandplants@gulfislands.com]
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 3:54 PM
To: nafex@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [nafex] Re: experts in the growing of espaliers?

Hi Suzi

Bylands Nursery ( http://www.bylands.com )in Kelowna, BC, grew 2-3 
y/o bareroot espalliers and multi-grafts 3 years ago. They likely 
still do or still employ the person who had initiated it. There's no 
information on their site about it but there is a contact for general 
inquiries listed under 'contact us'.

I hope this helps - Jojo, Southern Gulf Islands, BC

--- In nafex@y..., Suzi Teghtmeyer <srt175f@s...> wrote:
> Up at the University of Minnesota there is a  grad student who is 
> interested in finding out where there is
> expertise in the growing of espaliers in the US & UK, especially 
> nurseries...

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