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Re: [NAFEX] Gasoline Contamination


A few years ago they changed the formulation of gasoline sold.  This new
standard gasoline is not intended to stand unused.  It gums up the fuel
system when left in machines over winter.

I don't know if fuel stabilizers really work with this new standard

The best advice is to run it dry, and be sure it is dry, before winter

If that fails there is not much else we average "pull the
cord and watch it go homeowners", other than the shop.  For me, tinkering
with a gasoline engine is like do it yourself home dentistry.  Most are
built so cheaply they are intended for replacement, not repair anyway.

Even if you pay the bigger bucks for brand names is no guarantee that some
other company did not build it for "name brand", and name brand only
slapped their stickers on it.

I know when I brought my name brand weed whip into the shop, they quite
politely told me that "name brand" did not actually make that model, and
it might not be worth repairing.

Just a thought.


Southwest Ontario
Canada Hardiness Zone 6a
(similar to US zone 5)

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