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cool disease control for tomato

Journal of Phytopathology
Volume 151 Issue 9 Page 507  - September 2003

Biocontrol of Fusarium and Verticillium Wilt of Tomato by Penicillium
oxalicum under Greenhouse and Field Conditions
I. Larena, P. Sabuquillo, P. Melgarejo and A. De Cal

Treatments with conidia of Penicillium oxalicum produced in a
solid-state fermentation system were applied at similar densities (6
106 spores/g seedbed substrate) to tomato seedbeds in water suspensions
(T1: 5 days before sowing, or T2: 7 days before transplanting; 15 days
after sowing), or in mixture with the production substrate (T3: 7 days
before transplanting; 15 days after sowing). Treatments T2 and T3
significantly (P = 0.05) reduced fusarium wilt of tomato in both
greenhouse (artificial inoculation) (33 and 28%, respectively) and field
conditions (naturally infested soils) (51 and 72%, respectively), while
treatment T1 was efficient only in greenhouse (52%). Verticillium wilt
disease reduction was obtained with T3 in two field experiments (56 and
46%, respectively), while T1 and T2 reduced disease only in one field
experiment (52% for both T1 and T2). Treatment with conidia of P.
oxalicum plus fermentation substrate (T3) resulted in better
establishment of a stable and effective population of P. oxalicum in
seedbed soil and rhizosphere providing populations of approx. 107 CFU/g
soil before transplanting. Results indicate that it will be necessary to
apply P. oxalicum at a rate of approx. 106-107 CFU/g in seedbed
substrate and rhizosphere before transplanting for effective control of
fusarium and verticillium wilt of tomato, and that formulation of P.
oxalicum has a substantial influence on its efficacy.


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