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Re: [SANET-MG] no such thing as natural farming

Thanks for the comments Douglas,
Prof. Chrispeels of UC San Diego seems to represent academe along the West
Coast. He argues that the synthetic copies of natural bacterial genes used in
crop GM are natural even though the synthetic genes are very different from
natural and never experienced evolution in the natural sense. Testing was never
done on the synthetic genes and their products because submissive regulators
allowed the natural products from bacteria to replacer the real thing in GM
crops. Chrispeels' seems to be a champion of switcheroo public relations.
There seems to be a big effort in west coast academe to deem dioxin,PCBs,
DDT,mercury etc. to be natural like the synthetic genes used in GM. The west
coast academe seems quite loony, however, they are rich and they do control
both popular press and the education of the young. They are a kind of
environmental Taliban.
Quoting Douglas Hinds <cedecor@GMX.NET>:

> Hello joe and other saneters following this thread,
> In response to the message jcummins sent on 9/07/2004 regarding "no
> such thing as natural farming"
> j> - The San Diego Union-Tribune, Maarten J. Chrispeels, June 16, 2004
> j> "There is nothing natural about farming."
> All agricultural production systems are built and in fact, depend on
> natural systems like photosynthesis, precipitation, botanic
> developmental cycles and soil microbiology to a greater or lesser
> degree. Those that are more efficient -and sustainable- take better
> advantage of these natural biological systems, while the worst
> systems intentionally replace key elements with proprietary products
> which create a self-perpetuating lack of equilibrium that keeps them
> -as well as those who use them- dependent on artificial (manmade)
> inputs not found in natural systems.
> Douglas
> ---------------
> j> Highly paid academic pr guys like to raise questions about what is
> j> natural. The conclusion that natural farming does not exist is a truly
> j> silly one. The fact that synthetic copies of bacterial genes with highly
> j> altered genetic codes leading to genes never before facing evolution are
> j> used in GM crops   and that the bacterial products not their altered
> j> synthetic products are tested for safety  was ignored  by this weird
> j> advocate of unnatural "natural" genes.Like the cigarette pr guys the
> j> biotechnology pr guys do not know the meaning of natural or of shame at
> j> their silly presumptions.
> j> Chrispeels is a professor of biology and director of the San Diego
> j> Center for Molecular Agriculture at the University of California San
> Diego.
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