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[SANET-MG] scary moves in EU

The article does not provide any real details other than an indication that EU
is preparing to pollute the food chain, asap.

Medical Experts Plan GM 'Pharming' Project

The Scotsman, By Tim Moynihan, July 12, 2004

Scientists across Europe, including Britain, are to explore the possibilities of
producing pharmaceuticals grown in genetically modified plants, it was
announced today.

The European Union has awarded 12 million euros (£8 million) to a network of
experts in 11 European countries and South Africa and they aim to begin human
trials of the drugs within the next five years.

The aim of the ?pharming? project is to use plants to produce vaccines and
treatments against major diseases including Aids, rabies, diabetes and TB.

The consortium, called Pharma-Planta, will develop the concept from plant
modification through to clinical trials.

Its scientific co-ordinator, Professor Julian Ma, from St George?s Hospital
Medical School, London, told reporters: ?We recognise that this is contentious
technology, but I think many of the fears are unfounded.

?We want to address these issues and show that we can overcome them in a safe

And he added: ?There is a cost to not doing anything.

?Millions of people are dying from what are essentially preventable diseases
every year. I?m not aware GM crops have ever caused anyone to be unwell.?

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