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Re: [SANET-MG] M vs the farmer

My dear Dale,
You are just shameless!
"To think that Neal is part of some plot to propagandize this list (as
some here have implied) is absurd.  PR people in big companies are
loath to touch uncontrollable fora such as SANET.  Neal has opinions of
his own, and he is not afraid to state them on line, but he was not
engaging in personal attack.  Other people have been attacking him.
There are ways to disagree and argue without personal attack."
CAVM@AOL.COM wrote: " If your pitiful existence is
completely motivated by running down what others have done to improve
the world" about his admiration for Monsanto.
"woeful baling of a few who want to condemn Monsanto"
"want only to whine against those who work.
Get yourself up from your sick bed and help your neighbor"
If that is not a personal attack what is it?  It may be Dale that you
see something of yourself in Neal (from his website a big chicken poop
person) and believe his lies and personal attacks are whispers of sweet
Dale Wilson wrote:
Hi David,

Can people please be civil? I get really sick of these personal
attacks. I take no sides in this squabbling.

There are very few people who engage in these attack-posts.  The list
moderator should talk to them privately and ask them to be more polite.

Being able to hold a dialogue and glean common ground with
people with whom we disagree is part of being sustainable.
Nothing is more unproductive than demonizing and name calling.

Yes, and it also scares people away.  I have run into several who used
to be SANET members, but left due to the acrimony.  Yesterday we lost
"sunflower fields" due to the ranting, personal attack posts.

I realize there are well-organized, well-funded sources out there
that work counter to sustainability, who have vested interest in
the status quo, and understanding this (and who they are) is

To think that Neal is part of some plot to propagandize this list (as
some here have implied) is absurd.  PR people in big companies are
loath to touch uncontrollable fora such as SANET.  Neal has opinions of
his own, and he is not afraid to state them on line, but he was not
engaging in personal attack.  Other people have been attacking him.
There are ways to disagree and argue without personal attack.

We are not doing a good job of modeling sustainability when we
demonize each other for having different views. The world is
not going to change for the better if all we offer are attacks
and vitriol.

I have never experienced a discussion environment as poisonous and
disrespectful as SANET.  This is not fair, and it does not reflect the
attitude of most people on SANET.  Again, the moderator should take
these few people to task, and insist that they stop their aggressive
bullying behavior.


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