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Re: [SANET-MG] M vs the farmer

Just cut it out Dale, you know that Neil's comments were addressed to me
and that he did not note that the comments were a profound philosophical
process not a comment not directed to me! You two seem to have public
relations scripts not blood. I have never called Neal a psychotic, a
murderer etc. as you are very well aware! However, his personal comments
about me were untruthful and thus consitute lies. Where did you dream up
the murderer , psychotic , etc. line and why did you try to smear me
with it?
As I mentioned, your comments are transparently shameless! If you two
did not engage in these shameless person attacks there would be no
problem on the list!
Do just leave it alone!. sincerely,Joe
Dale Wilson wrote:
Dear Joe,

Neal wrote:

"woeful baling of a few who want to condemn Monsanto"
"want only to whine against those who work.
Get yourself up from your sick bed and help your neighbor"


Dale wrote:

Neal has opinions of his own, and he is not afraid to state
them on line, but he was not engaging in personal attack.

Joe wrote:

If that is not a personal attack what is it?

Neal was attacking a style of discourse, not a particular person.  This
is not so damaging to the list as calling an individual a liar, a
murderer, psychotic, etc.

I really think the personal attacks must stop.  It is not enough to say
"use the delete key" because those hurtful, and frankly, frightening
things are out there and people read them.  Newcomers read this stuff
and think "Wow, what a sick place!"  I have to admit reading many of
these strange posts myself with a certain morbid fascination, like
stopping to examine a particularly grisly road-kill on the information
highway.  But it isn't good for what we are trying to do here.

Don't get me wrong.  I am not suggesting that we avoid controversy.
But when we attack, let us attack ideas, not people.  Most of us really
do mean well, even when we are mistaken.  It is not productive or fair
to engage in personal attack.


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