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[SANET-MG] kernel of truth

Toby Sawday
Wednesday June 15, 2005
The Guardian

Kernel of truth
The trapdoor into the dark interior of genetic research was prised open by German courts last week as Greenpeace won access to Monsanto's controversial study into the effects of one of its maize strains. The study found "statistically significant" effects in rats fed on MON863, though the company will appeal in the courts against the ruling, saying that the study contains commercially sensitive information. Dr Arpad Pusztai, who conducted an independent review of the 1,000-page study for the German authorities, questioned both commercial sensitivity and the scientific value of the report, but nevertheless found evidence that feeding rats on large doses of the MON863 can be "potentially detrimental to the health of these animals". Still, the European Court will decide later this month whether to authorise imports of the maize.

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