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Re: [SANET-MG] Press release regarding BSE and vCJD

Hi Neal,
I am enclosing below the reference and abstract of the article you mentioned. The general conclusion is right that infection with a weakened strain of CJD may protect against infection with a virulent form. However, the article indicates that the effect is not through immune system but through the prion system itself, as I understand the article. sincerely, Joe Cummins
Science 21 October 2005; 310: 493-496 [DOI: 10.1126/science.1118155
Reciprocal Interference Between Specific CJD and Scrapie Agents in
Neural Cell Cultures
Noriuki Nishida,1,2 Shigeru Katamine,3 Laura Manuelidis1
Infection of mice with an attenuated Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease agent (SY-CJD) interferes with superinfection by a more virulent human-derived CJD agent (FUCJD)
and does not require pathological prion protein (PrPres). Using a rapid
coculture system, we found that a neural cell line free of immune system cells similarly supported substantial CJD agent interference without PrPres. In addition,
SY-CJD prevented superinfection by sheep-derived Chandler (Ch) and 22L
scrapie agents. However, only 22L and not Ch prevented FU-CJD infection, even though both scrapie strains provoked abundant PrPres. This relationship between particular strains of sheep- and human-derived agents is likely to affect their
prevalence and epidemic spread.

Neal Van Milligen wrote:

Research conducted by scientists in the United States and Japan reached the controversial conclusion that a virus may be responsible for bovine spongiform encephalopathy and the human version, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and that injection of a mild dose of vCJD may immunize humans against the full-blown disease.

Laura Manuelidis, a neurologist at Yale University, was co-author of the study, which is published in the latest issue of the journal Science. The researchers injected mice with low levels of infected material, and found this protected cells from the more dangerous strain, Manuelidis said.



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