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Re: [SANET-MG] Fwd: organic foods under attack

Public Relations/PR (np.)
Satan wasn't bad; he just had a bad press. Corporations are similar. It's often easier to
fix the perception of the problem than the problem itself.
The Dictionary of Bullshit' by Nick Webb is published by Robson Books,2005
USDA is not really a corporation it is more like an imp factory? At least we have Abiding Grace for our diet pr! sincerely,joe
Lawrence F. London, Jr. wrote:

Grace Gershuny wrote:


I was going to send out another message that counters some of the more outrageous lies and misstatements coming from the OCA, and instead will just refer those who are interested in learning more factual information about the recent legislative amendment to the OTA web site: www.ota.com.

The level of discourse here leads me to believe that, if there are any people interested in the facts and rational discourse they have probably learned to just hit the delete key when they see a SANET posting--where is our moderator? It embarrasses me to imagine what someone interested in sustainable agriculture would think about it after checking out this list serve.

What's embarrassing is to see an anti-organic turncoat USDA minion like you purport to be in the sustainable agriculture camp.

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