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Re: [SANET-MG] Fwd: organic foods under attack

You and some others have tried to focus attention away from the original issue which was the manner in which Congress imposed loose and polluting standards on organic crops and foods in USA. Public relations propaganda is an important part of the operation. You snipped my quote in a manner that was humorless and lacking in integrity, as are the regulations on organic food promoted by Congress by way of USDA. The part snipped out of the quote was "Public Relations/PR (np.) Satan wasn't bad; he just had a bad press. Corporations are similar. It's often easier to
fix the perception of the problem than the problem itself.
The Dictionary of Bullshit' by Nick Webb is published by Robson Books,2005 " You and the USDA pr people are quick to claim we are scaring away people. I cannot believe that people with integrity and commitment to sustainable agriculture would be in disagreement with profound disgust at the action of Congress as implemented by USDA to pollute organic food and to put the US organic label into a false and misleading statement. Do try to find something honest to attack us with. sincerely,joe
Dale Wilson wrote:

Joe and Lawrence,

Lawrence wrote:
What's embarrassing is to see an anti-organic turncoat USDA minion like you purport to be in the sustainable agriculture camp.

Joe wrote:
USDA is not really a corporation it is more like an imp factory?
At least we have Abiding Grace for our diet pr!

When you launch these ad-hominem attacks, you lower the quality of the
list, stifle debate, and drive people away.
There is room on SANET for disagreement about organic certification
rules.  And "organic" is not the whole story of sustainable


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