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[SANET-MG] a government opinion from Canada

The bureaucrat authoring the government opinion below was a student member of a research team that , some years ago, that showed Canadian public favored Bt sweet corn over conventional sweet corn in a highway market sale. In their final report the team failed to mention that the GM sweet corn had a sign over the sales bins for the conventional sweet corn saying "would yoiu buy wormy corn". The Canadian government presumably believes that the corn research was a model way to promote GM food!
Trends in Biotechnology 2006
EU biotech crop regulations and environmental risk: a case of the emperor's new clothes?

Shane H. Morrisa, a,

a26 Woodford Way, Ottawa, Ontario, K2J4B9, Canada

European Union Commissioner for the Environment Stavros Dimas recently hailed ‘upgraded’ non-genetically modified (GM) crops as an alternative to GM crops. A comparative analysis of the environmental risks associated with such non-GM herbicide-resistant crops and GM herbicide-resistant crops is presented here. The analysis highlights serious weaknesses in the European Union (EU) regulatory framework, and the contradictory policy of the EU Commission on the precautionary principle is also shown. The continued political stance of ignoring these regulatory and policy inconsistencies is examined and found to be flawed. It is postulated that, even in the face of these flaws and coupled with recent statements from the UK drawing attention to inconsistencies in the EU regulatory framework, the EU will continue to ignore the real and present environmental risks associated with upgraded non-GM crops for biopolitical reasons.

Shane Morris
Senior Consumer Analyst
Consumer Analysis Section
Telephone: (613) 694-2421 Fax: (613) 759-7480
Internet: morrissh@agr.gc.ca

The Consumer Analysis Section, Cross-Sectoral Food Industry Affairs Division, Food Value Chain Bureau, Markets and Trade Team, analyzes and reports on consumer and market demand trends and commercial issues that drive policy and program development and strategic business decisions in order to impact the future prosperity of the Canadian agri-food value chain.

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