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Re: [SANET-MG] Kirlian Photography

Thank you Steve - some of the most fascinating research I have read in a long time.

I will be evaluating the effect of the First Envirosafety Cleaner on plant health / vitality. Several researchers have claimed that the product makes plants healthier and grow at enormous rates, aside from washing off insects, cure virus infestions, etc. I thought Kirlian photography might shed some light on what's happening.

Now: does anyone have a Kirlian camera I can rent for a few weeks??


Steve Diver wrote:

The EM Database containing research reports and
conference papers on Effective Microorganisms
includes the research on kirlian photography by
Dr. Ana Primavesi.

Determination of Plant Health by their Magnetic Emanation and its
Improvement with EM
Ana Maria Primavesi | EM Database

The piece on Ana Primavesi I posted to Permaculture in
July 2004 also points to her IFOAM paper and provides
background context.

[permaculture] Ana Primavesi, ecological soil scientist in Brazil
Sat Jul 3 22:27:15 EDT 2004

"Results showed that with nutritional unbalances, plants suffer a very
strong energy loss, reducing their resistance to insects and diseases.
When plants are attacked by insect pests, they exhibit an extremely
high energy loss. Kirlian photography can provide clues to crop
quality and biological value in addition to plant nutritional status."

There is more research on kirlian, but these were quickly accessible.

As you may know, the complementary and alternative
health research track in the medical field is more proactive
in looking into alternative modalities -- such as kirlian and
other tools and methods -- than its agricultural counterpart.

Biophoton measurements are more precise as well as more
widely published, and I think biophotonics is similar
to kirlian in terms of cellular coherence and bioassay.

Steve Diver

Heide Hermary wrote:

Does anyone know where I can find scientific literature on Kirlian photography? Preferably something published in scientific journals....
Thanks, Heide Hermary

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