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Re: [SANET-MG] soybean rust a new dread

The organic soybean network addressing soybean rust is
familiar with the fungicidal efficacy trails in South Africa
and South America.

The proposed next step is screening of organically
approved disease controls, in South African field trials.

Keep in mind that spraying fungicides on soybeans has
not been a common practice in conventional or organic
production, but soybean rust will change that.

In some years soybean rust might effect 10-30% of the
crop, in other years it can effect 90+% of the crop.  Disease
outbreaks are connected to a set of "conditions" like weather,
presence of pathogen, susceptible host, etc.

Rust is one of those diseases that descend in clouds
of spores across the whole countryside.

I'm hopeful that new generation organic farming practices
like compost teas, foliar fertilization, foliar biostimulants --
practices that bioaugment phyllosphere microbial communities,
boost crop health, or alter the ability of phylloplane-landing
pathogens to gain a foothold -- will be effective, but nobody
knows yet.

Steve Diver

jcummins wrote:

Interestingly USDA has undertaken screening of chemical fungicides to
treat the soy rust in Africa and South America since about 2002 in South
America and Africa. However, they focused on high priced chemical
fungicides and did not test the fungicides used for certified organic
production. They also seem to ignore the need to screen soy for rust
resistance. This may be a cultural thing, the main commercial soy in US
is reported to include only a few genetically uniform strains so that
screening those lines may not be fruitful.

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