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[SANET-MG] Soybean Rust: USDA/NAL Resource Guide

Soybean Rust:  A USDA National Agricultural Library Resource Guide

On Wednesday, November 10, 2004, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service confirmed the presence of
soybean rust on soybean leaf samples taken four days earlier from two
plots associated with a Louisiana State University research farm. 

"While this is the first instance of soybean rust to be found in the
United States, the detection comes at a time when most soybeans have
been harvested across the country. As a result of the harvest, the
impact of the fungus should be minimal this year.

"Soybean rust is caused by either of two fungal species, Phakopsora
pachyrhizi, also known as the Asian species, and Phakopsora meibomiae,
the New World species. The Asian species, the one found in Louisiana, is
the more aggressive of the two species, causing more damage to soybean

The reference guide was developed to help researchers, growers, and the
public find the best information resources and research pertaining to
the Phakopsora species and how they affect soybean production. It was
compiled by NAL staff members: Stephanie Boehmer, Mary Gold, Mary Ann
Leonard, Kay Miller, and Becky Thompson.

The Soybean Rust Resource Guide contains over 180 references, many of
which are linked to full text documentation on the web, including these
two on-line documents describing what soybean rust is: 
* Soybean Rust from the Systemic Botany and Mycology Laboratory,
Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
* Soybean Rust from Invasivespecies.gov
Available online: http://www.invasivespecies.gov/profiles/soyrust.shtml
(accessed 11/15/04) 

Access the full Soybean Rust Reference Guide here:

Bill Thomas
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
USDA National Agricultural Library
10301 Baltimore Avenue, room 122
Beltsville, MD 20705
v: 301-504-5724
f: 301-504-6927
e: wthomas@nal.usda.gov
w: http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/

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