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[SANET-MG] Danish Working Group on co-existence of GMO crops with conventional and organic crops

Report from the Danish Working Group on the co-existence of
genetically modified crops with the conventional and organic crops

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Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences
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Report from the Danish Working Group on the co-existence of
genetically modified crops with the conventional and organic crops
_____ 273-page PDF | 5,562 KB

Table of contents

1. Conclusion

2. Summary

3. Introduction

4. Scientific background
4.1 GM – Genetic modification
4.2 Distribution of GM crops
4.3 Plant characteristics
4.4 Production practice
4.5 The importance of the distribution of GM crops illustrated through
a case study in Denmark
4.6 Available literature and experience for the report

5. Legislative status

6. Seed production and threshold values
6.1 Present regulations on seed production
6.2 Multiplication, certification and inspection
6.3 Use of morphological versus genetic characteristics to determine
varietal purity or adventitious presence
6.4 GM content in seed

7. Monitoring and analytical methods
7.1 Monitoring
7.2 GM analyses

8. Dispersal routes
8.1 Dispersal routes for GM crops
8.2 Cross pollination
8.3 Seed dispersal and vegetative dispersal
8.4 Dispersal by farming machinery and during handling and transport
8.5 Seed and other products with GM material

9. Measures for managing crop purity
9.1 Reduction of pollen dispersal
9.2 Cultivation techniques to reduce pollen and seed dispersal
9.3 Reduction of seed dispersal
9.4 Use of seed, feed and manure containing GM
9.5 Monitoring
9.6 Training for production of GM crops

10. Review of crops
10.1 Background for the sections on crops
10.2 Oilseed rape
10.3 Maize
10.4 Beet
10.5 Potatoes
10.6 Barley, wheat, triticale, oats
10.7 Rye
10.8 Forage and amenity grasses
10.9 Grassland legumes
10.10 Field peas
10.11 Field beans (Faba beans) and lupin
10.12 Vegetables seed production

11. Economy
11.1 Costs to the first stage of distribution
11.2 Production chains
11.3 Economic consequences in actual food production
11.4 Conclusion – Production chains

12. References

Annex 1
Annex 2

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