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[SANET-MG] Last Minute Reminder: Joel Salatin in Washington, DC Jan 22, 5pm

Dear friends -

Fresh and Local CSA is proud to join with Chapters: a Literary
Bookstore in presenting a slideshow and lecture by Joel Salatin on
"Holy Cows and Hog Heaven: The Food Buyer's Guide to Farm Friendly
Food, " this Saturday at 5 p.m. at Chapters (address blow). This
event couldn't be more timely. Think of it as a sustainable ag
smudging of the bad faith and bad ideas the were honored in D.C.
earlier this week.

If you are one of the many Americans who rely on food several times a
day FOR THEIR VERY LIFE, you must be concerned about the potential
dangers terrorism, corporations and the Mother Nature herself present

Take some steps on your own behalf! Become a responsible food buyer,
or, hopefully, a responsible food provider and come and join with
others on Saturday in listening to and honoring the commitment Joel
Salatin has made to creating an safe and nutritious alternative food
system in the US.

Chapters is on 11th St NW, just off from Pennsylvania Avenue. The
owners say that it is readily accessible by metro, so the snow
predicted for DC on Saturday shouldn't interfere with you being able
to get there.

Fresh and Local CSA is committed not just to growing the most tasty
and nutritious vegetables in the area  and delivering them fresh, the
day they are harvested, we are also dedicated to educating the next
generation of farmers and the current generation of consumers about
the how-to's and why's of a sustainable food system. Fresh and Local
CSA is an educational initiative of Gardening for the Future, a
not-for-profit organization. www.freshandlocalcsa.com
www.gardeningforthefuture.com info@freshandlocalcsa.com

Chapter's contact information is as follows:

Web site: www.chaptersliterary.com

CHAPTERS A Literary Bookstore
445 11th St., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004

(202) 737-5553

Please call Chapters for information on the day of the event.

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