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Mentat Wiki

This wiki is a collaborative environment for exploring ways to become a better thinker. Topics that can be explored here include MemoryTechniques, MentalMath, CriticalThinking, ?BrainStorming, ShorthandSystems, NotebookSystems, and SmartDrugs. Other relevant topics are also welcome. How have you made yourself smarter ?

Easily memorize complex information - MemoryTechnique


      Tips: LinkQuickly, NookAndCrannyMethod

      Links: MemoryCourses, MemoryWebSites

      Memory Feats: AlphabetFeats, CalendarFeat, PiMemorisation

            KnightsTourMemory, PlayingCardFeats

      Memory Systems: LinkSystem, MemoryPalace

            PegSystem, NumberSystems, NumberRhymeSystem

            NumberShapeSystem, MajorSystem, DominicSystem

            SemCubed, MemoryChart, AlphabetSystems

            PlayingCardSystems, BinaryNumbersSystem

Do hard math in your head - MentalMath


      Multiplication: NumbersNear10, NumbersNear100

      Other: CubeRoots, CubingNumbers, PhysioArithmetics

            FifthRoots, KnightsTourMath, MagicSquare

            SquareRoots, FlashCard

Other pages


      ShorthandSystem: write smarter, not harder

      TheNameMentat comes from Frank Herbert's "Dune" novels.





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Mentat Wiki is hosted by the [WWW]Center for Ludic Synergy. Site administrator: Ron Hale-Evans. OtherContributors. Powered by MoinMoin.