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[SANET-MG] USDA-ERS report on Greenhouse Tomatoes in North America

The USDA-Economic Research Service has published
(April 2005) a detailed economic research report on
greenhouse tomato production in North America.

The first item is the summary article in Amber Waves,
the magazine of USDA-ERS.

The second item is the full report from ERS,
an 86-page PDF download.

Two key points:

"The main impact of greenhouse tomatoes has been felt
in retail channels, where greenhouse products now account
for around 37 percent of the quantity of fresh tomatoes
sold, and 39 percent of the value."

"Greenhouse production can be seen as just one more
development in a trend towards better quality and more
diversified tomato offerings—vine ripe, organic, cherry,
grape, pear, various colors—and part of the general trend
toward growth in value-added produce."


Steve Diver



Summary Article

North American Greenhouse Tomatoes Emerge as a Major Market Force
By Linda Calvin and Roberta Cook
Amber Waves, magazine of USDA-ERS.
Vol. 3, No. 2. p. 20-27


Full Report

Greenhouse Tomatoes Change the Dynamics of the North American
Fresh Tomato Industry
By Roberta Cook and Linda Calvin
Economic Research Report No. (ERR2) 86 pp, April 2005

* Cover file
* Abstract, Acknowledgments, and Contents
* Summary
* Introduction
* Canadian Greenhouse Tomato Industry
* Mexican Greenhouse Tomato Industry
* U.S. Greenhouse Tomato Industry
* Market Analysis: Price and Consumption Trends
* Impact of Greenhouse Tomatoes on the Fresh Field Tomato Industry
* Growing Pains: Conflict and Cooperation
* Conclusions
* References
* Appendices

Entire Document, 1,341 kb, 86 pages.


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