Re: soil microbes

From: Elaine Ingham (Soilfoodweb@AOL.COM)
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 10:57:31 EST

Yes, we have a simple test for total bacterial biomass. Also total fungal biomass. Protozoa. Nematodes. Mycorrhizal colonization of the roots. Necrosis of roots. we have just started beneficial organism assays (molecular assessment in part)

Total bacterial biomass costs $25 per sample (10% discounts if you send a completed submission form in, send in payment with check). We do direct counts, no question that what is counted is the TOTAL bacterial biomass present.

We also do active bacterial biomass, just in case you need to know what part of the total bacterial biomass is actually performing their function. There are many bacteria in soil, or compost, or tea, that are not in the right conditions (wrong temp, moisture, humidity, food resource, pH, etc) to allow them to out-compete others. So, they are present, capable (most of them) of becoming active, when conditions are right.

But, do you have the "normal" set of active bacteria? We've done alot of testing over the years on this question of what is the normal activity, and that depends on the plant being frown, time of year, soil type, etc. So we tell you that information on the "desired range" row on the report.

Hope this helps!



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