Re: Beneficial Soil Microbes

From: Elaine Ingham (Soilfoodweb@AOL.COM)
Date: Mon Dec 23 2002 - 01:51:55 EST

Hi John -

You are right. Not that many birds left. When they land in an ag field,
they may leave something from the forest behind, but then what inoculum to
they carry to the next field? Disease?

People have a great way of ignoring what they don't want to see. :-(

We don't have the sets of organisms in our ag fields that used to be there.

We need to put them back. BUT, they have to be fed regularly too. It isn't
one factor or another that can be dealt with in isolation. We need to put
the system back together. Inoculate the organisms, give them the food they
need. Till to the minimum level that you have to for the crop. Don't
destroy the organisms you need, or their habitat.

You are right to bring up birds. We can't forget their important roles. The
whole foodweb, both in the soil, and aboveground, has to be brought back to
normal function.

President, Soil Foodweb Inc.


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