Re: Organic hay production

From: Steve Diver (steved@NCATARK.UARK.EDU)
Date: Wed Sep 18 2002 - 13:30:55 EDT

Hi Clarence -

Did you host AgriSynergy a couple years ago?

It would be helpful to know the background to this question.

Plenty of literature exists on bio-intensive, biodynamics and
organic, and rock minerals fertilizers. And besides that, hundreds
and thousands or farms are *practicing* these methods year after
year. Why do you think further "bench tests" are needed?

What is electrical inductive?

Where is your farm, what do you grow, what is your goal,
what resources have you already looked into. Geography,
climate, soil type, equipment, scale of operation, markets,
your viewpoints and the viewpoints of crop advisors and
farmers you find relevant, all these play a role in understanding
what you're seeking. If you ask the question in general rather
than for production on your own farm, then being clear about
that is also helpful.

Organic hay production, it seems to me, is pretty straightforward
and within grasp of just about any farm situation.

Steve Diver

Rainbow's End Farms & Orchards wrote:

> I'm confused. There are organic, bio-intensive, bio-dynamic,
> remineralization, electrical inductive and the many other growing
> systems or philosophical approaches espoused today, some of which are
> scientifically substantiated and others more akin to alchemy and
> spiritualism. Some advocate sawing the horns off of cows and stuffing
> them with dung and herbs, others advocate miracle rock dusts, and then
> there are the proponents of suspended copper strips and low frequency
> sound. Has anyone ever done a "bench test" where these systems are
> tried as in the gentleman's pastures to accurately measure labor,
> materials and output. Clarence Walker


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