Re: Indigenous Microorganisms + Korean Natural FarmingAssociation

From: gil carandang (gil_carandang@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 17:36:25 EST

hi steve,
i just came from new mexico organic conference over the weekend and back in
town (santa cruz). i am conducting a short workshop at occidental arts and
ecology this feb. 20 and a full day one at camp joy in boulder creek,
california. i was thinking, maybe we can collaborate and make the
information available through attra at least for the basic booklet i made.
ecofarm is encouraging that i make a book. also, maybe you can help me
connect to several conference here in the US where i can present this IMO
technology. i will be back to the philippines first week of march. if you
need me contact me at my e-mail address.


>From: Steve Diver <steved@NCAT.ORG>
>Reply-To: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group
>Subject: Re: [SANET-MG] Indigenous Microorganisms + Korean Natural
>Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 23:22:08 -0600
>Well, I see the need for a correction to my post.
>I emphasized the rhizosphere and the phyllosphere as
>places to focus organic agricultural practices like
>compost teas and IMO's.
>So when I came across the following article, "Endophytic
>Microorganisms: A Review on Insect Control and
>Recent Advances on Tropical Plants" I just added it
>to my phyllosphere resources.
>Yet, endophytic vs ephiphytic didn't sound right on
>so I went back and actually read part of this 32-page
>Indeed, these are endophytes, they live inside the plant
>and colonize internal host tissues, etc.
>So, it's not as directly relevant, but still an interesting article
>about another group of plant-microbes.
>Steve Diver
> > Yet, here is a paper on phyllospheric organisms, and
> > how these endophytic organisms can help promote plant
> > growth and achieve biological control of diseases
> > AND insects on the leaf surface.
> >
> > Endophytic Microorganisms: A Review on Insect Control
> > and Recent Advances on Tropical Plants
> > Electronic Journal of Biotechnology
> > Vol.3 No.1, Issue of April 15, 2000
> >
> >

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