Re: Second Call for Papers: Low-Food-Chain Candidate Species Organic Aquaculture Workshop and Organic Seafood Tasting Tour

From: gil carandang (gil_carandang@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 06:58:38 EDT

If I send an abstract for the organic aquaculture and got chosen, several
1) Who shall pay for my rt ticket from the Philippines?2) Who shall cover
for the board and lodging and local transfers?

I recently conducted a workshop on indigenous microorganism at the Ecofarm
Conference in Asilomar (Monterey, California). I have a technology that
will empower organic farmers in the culture of their important agri-aqua
inputs. The technology will improve water quality and nutrient intake of

Let me know, and I will be interested to submit an abstract if you can cover
for my expenses and allowing me to sell my booklet at the conference.

Gil Carandang
Herbana Farms

>From: "Andy Clark, SAN Coordinator" <san@SARE.ORG>
>Reply-To: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group
>Subject: [SANET-MG] Second Call for Papers: Low-Food-Chain Candidate
>Species Organic Aquaculture Workshop and Organic Seafood Tasting
>Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 14:31:08 -0400
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Deborah J. Brister []
>Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 1:04 PM
>The Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability
>Announces a Second Call for Papers
>Call for Papers-Abstracts due April 15th, 2003
>International Organic Aquaculture Workshop and Organic Seafood Tasting
>Tour: Low-Food-Chain Candidate Species
>General Information
>We invite you to participate in an organic aquaculture workshop focusing
>on evaluating and prioritizing low-food-chain species that are promising
>candidates for sustainable, and especially organic, aquaculture
>production. This workshop will convene in Minneapolis, Minnesota, July
>11-12, 2003. As the number of carnivorous species in culture increases,
>reliance on marine fisheries resources to feed cultured organisms has
>also increased. Despite improvements to the diets of aquaculture
>species, many scientists question the long-term sustainability of
>pelagic fisheries intended for fishmeal and oil. Researchers are now
>exploring options to replace fishmeal with plant-based ingredients.
>Vegetarian feeds for carnivorous species are, however, still in early
>stages and require additional research to ensure that these do not
>adversely affect the aquatic animal's physiology and ultimate taste of
>the final seafood product.
>The Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability (ISEES)
>is approaching this issue differently by convening a workshop to
>identify and evaluate naturally herbivorous and other low-food-chain
>aquatic species that do not require fishmeal and oil. These species,
>many unknown to seafood consumers in the United States, are cultured in
>diverse environments throughout the globe and provide a sustainable
>alternative to consuming carnivorous species. Furthermore, organic
>certification of these species should be easier, due to the ability to
>completely bypass the issue of pelagic species feed sustainability.
>This workshop, sponsored by the David and Lucile Packard Foundation,
>Whole Foods Markets, Minnesota Sea Grant, the Culinary Program of the
>Art Institutes International and the University of Minnesota, builds on
>our first highly successful organic aquaculture workshop (held in 2000),
>which jump-started the most comprehensive dialog to date on organic
>aquaculture in the United States. The 2000 workshop report is on the
>ISEES website at
>Workshop attendees will represent experts and practitioners in
>aquaculture and fisheries science, seafood marketing, organic production
>and certification, environmental conservation, and restauranteurs and
>chefs, in addition to other parties interested in the movement towards
>more sustainable forms of aquaculture production. Guest speakers will
>discuss opportunities and constraints for candidate species in a plenary
>session, followed by extensive opportunities to discuss with experts a
>variety of species in smaller, more intimate settings. As a group,
>workshop attendees will then discuss and prioritize a set of candidate
>low-food-chain species using a set of criteria under development by the
>workshop advisory committee (see attached roster). The workshop written
>proceedings will include recommendations for priority research and
>demonstration projects that encourage organic production and
>certification of the most suitable species.
>Workshop attendees will also enjoy the first annual Organic Seafood
>Tasting Tour. This unique event, co-hosted by the Culinary Program of
>the Art Institutes International, will enable participants to sample
>candidate seafood species and enjoy a multi-course luncheon specially
>prepared by top local chefs and culinary students. Our master chefs will
>feature a number of candidate species discussed at the workshop making
>this an exceptional opportunity to explore new, sustainable
>possibilities for seafood markets.
>Call for Papers-Abstracts due April 15th, 2003
>In order to maximize the range of suitable aquatic animal species
>considered at this workshop, we invite oral presentations and posters on
>the state-of-the-art for production and marketing of low-food-chain
>We invite authors to address as many of the following topics for a
>selected, or related group of species as possible. Topics include
>social, political, regulatory, economical, ecological opportunities and
>constraints for specific low-food-chain aquatic animals, production
>advancements such as domestication potential (for example, successful
>captive reproduction, time required to reach market size, degree of
>aggressive behavior, etc.), marketability of species (such as ease of
>processing and preparation, flesh quality after freezing, and cultural
>importance), and traits the animal possesses that may be considered
>hazardous (i.e., concern about nuisance species) if the aquatic animal
>is raised outside its native waters should be included, if known.
>We encourage submissions of abstracts addressing any cultured aquatic
>animals throughout all regions of the world that are considered
>low-food-chain species. Regarding finfish, this workshop will consider a
>species to be low-food-chain if it is rated as 3.0 or lower on the
>Fishbase trophic scale ( These species include
>planktivores, benthivores, insectivores, detritivores, herbivores and
>omnivores that require little to no fishmeal and oil in their diets.
>Oral presentations at the workshop will be 10 minutes long, plus
>discussion, during breakout sessions. Poster presentations are
>encouraged. Abstracts will be due April 15th, 2003.
>Abstracts for review are limited to 300 words. An electronic version is
>preferred. Please include your name, affiliation, mailing address,
>e-mail address telephone and whether you prefer to give an oral or
>poster presentation.
>Authors will be notified by May 1st, 2003 regarding the status of their
>abstract. Accepted abstracts will be included in a workshop packet that
>will be sent to all workshop participants prior to the workshop and will
>appear in the final proceedings. Registration fees will be waived for
>all oral and poster presenters.
>Submit abstracts to:
>E-mail: Deborah Brister at:
>Mail disk and hardcopy to:
>Deborah Brister
>Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability
>University of Minnesota
>186 McNeal Hall
>1985 Buford Avenue
>St. Paul, MN 55108-6142
>Abstracts are due April 15th, 2003.
>Visit the ISEES website at: or contact Deborah
>Brister by e-mail at: or by phone: 612-624-7723.
>Deborah J. Brister
>Sustainable Aquaculture Program Manager
>Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability (ISEES)
>University of Minnesota
>186 McNeal Hall
>1985 Buford Avenue
>St. Paul, MN 55108-6142 USA
>Phone: 612-624-7723
>Fax: 612-625-8153

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