From: Glen Thomson <>
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2003 06:45:46 -0700

Irene-could you find a small aquarium heater that would fit in/on the
side of your bucket.

I've used a larger wattage one in my 22 gal. brewer, but mostly find it
unnecessary this time of year (aim for close to 70F to start).

irene bensinger wrote:
> Thanks, Jeff, for a lot of good information.
> >As for a recipe, five gallons of good tea can be diluted at least 5
> times
> Boy, it's great to know is that I can dilute 5 gallons of tea 5X!
> >One (of many) recipes for a 5 gallon brewer and which I have
> >specifically tested in the KIS:
> >
> >1. One cup compost
> >2. One ounce Soluable Kelp (Maxicrop? or?)
> >3. One teaspoon of powder Humic Acid (Humisolve which makes about a
> >pint of suggested root soak) or liquid equivilant
> I'm not clear on the bit about 'a pint of suggested root soak'. Is
> that a use for Humisolve separate from adding it to CT? Does 'root
> soak' mean a pre-soak for bare roots, or as a soil drench for
> established plants?
> Can you recommend a website where I can find Humisolve?
> >This should make a killer tea with fantastic fungal numbers. Want
> >bacterial tea, then substitute 2 ounce Black strap molasses for the
> >humic acid.
> Is 70 F the correct temperature for that recipe? I'm still looking
> for *the* perfect way to keep the brew warm in my attached/unheated
> greenhouse room. Ambient temperature in there is between 50 F and 60
> F until summer arrives. I'm thinking a small square grow-mat might be
> a good way to go. Any good suggestions?
> >I don't use a bag when I use the KIS and I use Alaska Humus,
> >obviously. However, your compost will do for sure! If you want, you
> >can re-use the KIS bag (after carefully cleaning it) using duct tape
> >to close it up or make your own. Add a few wood chips(better
> >agitation) and perhaps a ping-pong ball (for a bit of floation to
> >keep it off the bottom.
> I'm hoping that the 'up to 35% solids' sprayer I have coming will
> deal well with tea made without a bag. I'll probably have to strain
> out the big stuff (wood chips, for instance). What's the best to
> eliminate the big hunks without harming the good guys?
> >It is important to test the first tea or two you make after you have
> >the system down. If you have a KIS machine, I tested this recipe and
> >it is a killer fungal and the results have been posted. If you are
> >trying it out on your own machine, you really should have SFI test
> >it.(<>
> I definitely plan to have my tea tested once I've got it worked out,
> but first I need to get the mechanics of making it figured out. I'm
> looking forward to receiving the Compost Tea Manual to answer some of
> the many questions I've been saving up.
> >As for the slugs, use coffee as a spray or coffee grinds. The USDA
> >announced last summer that this will kill slugs in two days...
> Well, since these are Pacific Northwest slugs, maybe they thrive on
> lattes! : D
> Last summer I tried mulching the strawberries with coffee grounds
> from the local espresso wagon, but they just crawled (and munched) on!
> I'm finding that Sluggo (non-toxic to everybody but slugs) and beer
> traps keep the slug numbers low, but as we're surrounded by forest
> and there is decaying forest floor all around us, I'm afraid that
> _some_ slugs will be always be with us.
> Thanks again for all the good suggestions.
> irene
> Irene Bensinger
> Fibers on the Internet
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