RE: [compost_tea] SFI Soil Test Results-After a Year ~~~ Probable Spam ~~~

From: Jaszewski, Thomas <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 09:48:21 -0700

There is a chitin-based product used to help in root knot nematode control.
Some states have refused to label Clandosan as a nematicide.

10 years ago we were hit hard in a roof top population of specimen palms. We
hired Dr. Becker (SP?) from UC Riverside. We also contacted the research
project at the South Australian Department of Agriculture Research Center at
Loxton referencing their work mentioned in "Common Sense Pest Control". They
had isolated a bacterium (B. penetrans) from tomato plants that was an
antagonist. Dr. Becker pointed out that fields where high nitrogen cover
crops were planted for two seasons, and had been infested with Meloidigyne
species, were devoid of any signs of nematodes.

We topdressed the beds with what we have come to know as poor quality
compost and topdressed other areas with chiton and poor compost. Both areas
of infestation were effectively treated and within a couple of months we saw
no more root knots. We also interplanted with plants from the Cruciferae
family and soil incorporated the mature plants. This seemed to be as
successful. Neem, although not labeled as a nematicide (last I checked) also
had the effect of reducing population dramatically when used as a soil

Steinernema feltiae has shown a devastating effect on root knot as well.

Looking back on the adventure we feel confident we get the same results with
CT meeting the bacterial and nematode standards set by Dr. Ingham.

-----Original Message-----
From: lmvine []
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 7:35 AM
Subject: [compost_tea] SFI Soil Test Results-After a Year ~~~ Probable Spam

I have read that Chitin will help with the root feeding Nematodes -

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Received on Sat Apr 26 2003 - 14:13:35 EDT

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