Re: [compost_tea] Simple CT maker

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2003 09:21:24 -0800

Jason asked about the five gallon bubbler bucket that was featured in an ol=
d magazine article when CT was just starting....I think the machine is no l=
onger state of the art homemade.....

you are right, constructive.....I think the machine has too little oxygen. =
Use a much bigger pump. And, the air stones make too small bubbles. Switch=
 to 1/4 inch soaker hose which you should be able to get wherever they sell=
 drip irrigation. A two foot span coiled and duct taped to the bottom of th=
e bucket puts out bigger and more bubbles.


Jeff L

Received on Sat Apr 26 2003 - 14:13:36 EDT

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