Re: [compost_tea] Heating & Maintaining CT water and other subjects.

From: Mike Harvey <>
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 09:20:27 +0800

I have been using a solar system to heat up about 600 gal(3000Litres) of wa=
ter for CT tank for the last 8 months. It is relatively simple, cheap and =
very effective if the sun is shining.
I use about 400metres of 3 quarter poly pipe with irrigation fittings. This=
 is placed on the roof of a shed. the water is pumped around and raises the=
 temp fairly fast say 4 hours from 13 deg C to 30 deg C (inoculation temp).
Obviously you would not need a system as big as this for smaller amounts ho=
wever the same principles apply. Storage of the heated water prior to use c=
an be useful also.
Also consider that the most energy for heating water is moving it from thos=
e first degrees not the last degrees.
You should not run the CT through the pipes though as films will build.
Regards Mike Harvey
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Heating & Maintaining CT water and other subje=

  Merla when you take our electric power line out of our lives and CT produ=
ction you screw up everything. We flatlanders don't know how to cope. I w=
as thinking park it in the sun and it will warm up just as I began to read =
that suggestion from you. Solar heating may be your best source. Any chan=
ce you could have a green house with water storage in it to warm water for=
 all your use? Bath, laundry, and CTEA?

  It says in the solar heating science data that High temp. solar heat ente=
rs thru glass but that low temp heat source ( the heated water) does not ex=
it thru glass. So over several days the average heat in the water would in=
crease to where it would be useful for all those purposes.
  Paint the water tanks in the greenhouse black and cover to pevent evapora=
tion cooling. Pump cold water in at bottom, take warm water from the tip. D=
o that 3 or 5 or more 50 gallon barrels in series. Each cold in at bottom =
warm out at top into the next barrel at the bottom etc. Your well water pu=
mp drives the flow. End barrel is rather hot water. The more barrels the =
larger the capacity to heat It is called passive solar heating. It works.=

  If I know anything about you and Herb I know you have already investigate=
d this. Such a solar system is not a small or simple project.

  Subject #2 WEEDS

  I've been working in my yard some of late. We have some daiseys and a fe=
w other wild flowers that grow like weeds only better. They seed and reseed=
 and come up from the roots after a long winter and act just like weeds exc=
ept they don't spread on the wind or creep underground and they are rather =
good looking as bright flowers most of the year. They are the first to bloo=
m in spring and keep blooming all summer. Clover would be another great fl=
ower to plant. Since these plants are all affected by 24D you could rightf=
ully object to the area being sprayed . Patrolling for other noxious weeds =
on an 8 mile road will still be a BIG project. But if I were a betting man =
( I am) I would bet on the daiseys,

  Subject #3 PIONEERS

   When you feel sorry for yourselves there without the powerline remember =
how the rugged pioneers survived without . And how luckey you are that you=
 live in such a beautiful environment. And how luckey we all are to have p=
eople like you defending that beautiful environment. Thanks Merla and Herb!=

  Subject #4 I think I am appearing too dam often on this show.
  Merla Barberie <> wrote:

Received on Wed Apr 30 2003 - 00:22:34 EDT

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