Re: [compost_tea] Tea Brewer

From: Jeff Lowenfels <>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 08:45:25 -0800

Growman wants to know about home made machines and if the Soilsoup machine =
compares to the John Evan's Alaska Bounty.

The vaunted SoilSoup machine has not tested well and does not produce fungi=
. If you only want a bacterial tea, then it might be o.k. John Evan's Alas=
ka Bounty produces both bacteria and fungi. There is no comparison between=
 the two. Neither make the quantities you seek.

As for a homemade machine of 30 gallons, you can use a 1/3 horse power air =
pump and for the bubbles, three or four feet of 1/4 inch soaker hose taped =
to the bottom. That will give you plenty of O2 and plenty of roiling of the=
 water! Make sure to clean the soaker hose every third or forth brew with =
a good cleanser that can remove bioslime.

Hope this helps.



Received on Thu May 01 2003 - 13:12:30 EDT

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