Re: [compost_tea] Tea Brewer

From: <>
Date: Wed, 7 May 2003 19:27:58 EDT

In response to this e-mail question -

"Not that I am so cheap I guess, but is there any plans for
building one yourself being shared ? If not... is the AlaskaBounty
just as good as the expensive soilsoup version ?....

Thanks for any direction on this matter"

In terms of data on improving plant growth, the Alaska Bounty brewer is the
hands-down winner in a comparison of the two machines. John Evans has reams
of examples and places where the Alaska Bounty machine has done great things
for increasing plant production and preventing disease.

There are other brewers that also have data showing great improvement in
plant growth and disease protection. The SFI e-zine is a great place to look
for this information.

Just remember, the reason we use compost tea is because CT contains
beneficial organisms. These organisms DO NOT act as pesticides, they are not
toxic, they do not kill anything through toxic interactions. The beneficials
occupy space, they use up the foods the disease organisms would otherwise
require, they consume the disease organisms. Non-toxic prevention methods.

The EPM machines (, the KIS machines
(, the Worm Gold machines (, and the
Charlie Clark machines (sorry, I don't have the e-mail right here, please
check the Compost Tea Brewing Manual) all have documented that they contain
the organisms needed to get improvements in plant growth.

I have never seen any data showing that the Soil Soup machines improve plant
growth or beneficial organism numbers. There are testimonials on the Soil
Soup website, but there is no replication, no control versus treatment
comparisons, no data, at least up to the last time I looked at their website,
maybe 6 months ago. Also, when we made "Soil Soup", the smell was so bad
that we won't allow the machine to be run in the lab anymore.

Elaine Ingham
President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Oregon, USA
SFI Australia
SFI New York
SFI Europe
SFI New Zealand

"Hope is not a feeling. It is not the belief that things will turn out well,
but the conviction that what we are doing makes sense, no matter how things
turn out." -- Vaclav Havel, former President of the Czech Republic

Received on Wed May 07 2003 - 21:25:22 EDT

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