[compost_tea] Compost Tea and NOP

From: Tim Livingstone <tlivingstone_at_jollyfarmer.com>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 15:48:08 -0300
Hi All,

It is my understanding that NOP makes recommendations and rules.  These are two very different things.  Only their rules are legally binding, not their recommendations.  To date, I know of no rules to say compost tea must be treated like raw manure.  The posted response to Mr. Jaszewski's letter refers to NOP "policy". This is based only on a recommendation.  Certifiers can make their own decisions regarding compost tea because their are no rules regulating its use.  There are NOP accredited certifiers who have said compost tea is fine to use without the raw manure restrictions. OMRI has allowed compost tea provided all ingredients meet their specifications.

If someone knows otherwise please let me know.

Hope this helps,

Tim Livingstone
Jolly Farmer Products

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